The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148796   Message #3459755
Posted By: Greg F.
31-Dec-12 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
Sorry, Beardie, but you're wrong - or just lying - as usual. The "cliff" is the usual TeaPublican invention & disinformation melodrama.

We're not talking tax increases, but tax restoration, to reverse the disastrous George Dumbya give-a-way to the rich which put the country in the econiomic toilet it now finds itself in.

Better yet, lets return to the 1960's tax rates of 90% of income over $200,000 dollars - & stop whining about percentages in the 30% bracket.

Oh, have pity on the the poor, poor persecuted billionaire.