The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3460023
Posted By: Bill D
01-Jan-13 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
Heidegger didn't call that question more 'profound', he just said that it was 'philosophically prior'.

"...writers affirm each other's positions"... So.. you already see the problem with that...

But, you can't win an argument by accusing your opponents of using the same flawed techniques that YOU use...

It's even worse when you try to equate the arguments that 'careful' atheists make with the awkward ways some biblical 'scholars' pick & choose their supposed data.

and... by the way, I took some time to read about Wellhausen. It seems that what is now questioned is the specific details he claimed about various authors and timelines... NOT that there were many authors and rewritten & retranslated parts!

And more thing: your shortcut abbreviations make following your discussion a bit tedious. Not everyone immediately gets what GTE and gk & ms refer to.... and even MORE so 'heb', by which I assume you mean *Hebrew*. That borders on an insult.
   Why not spell things out and use capitals and the various accurate punctuation marks>? I know you CAN use the shift key.