The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3461051
Posted By: LilyFestre
03-Jan-13 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
I decided to work in the kitchen instead. Pete was outside dragging logs out of the woods and Jeremiah was watching intently from the kitchen window so I worked out there. I emptied my purse, cleaned that all out. Went through the mountain of paperwork on the middle of the table, dusted the various jelly cupboards, did all the dishes, took down almost all the Christmas decorations in the kitchen (left the nativity on the ledge over the's one of my favorites), cleaned the baby's chair (really scrubbed it down) and oh yes, we started potty training today and so far, with great success!!! HOORAY! I might still take the ornaments off the tree tonight while we hang out in the living room in front of the fire. We'll see.

There were lots of little other things that were done as well...those itty bitty things that you set aside to put away later....yeah..their time has come!

Dinner has been cooked, eaten and dishes are done (normally we don't eat for another hour and a half).

Family time! HOORAY!
