The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3461679
Posted By: wysiwyg
05-Jan-13 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
HHS PT began yesterday. That woman knows her stuff! Gentlest exercises yesterday, major aches today, YEE HAH the right track is before me.

I am to repeat 2-3 times per day. She returns Tuesday or Wednesday next week to add more/correct form. Dressing changes now go to every other day, so hopefully nursing and PT will alternate days. I am also cleared for stairs (in the main house) at my discretion-- so shower bench, here I come!!!

Next PT visit to be up in my attic workout space (the old MudDorm), with the great hard double platform bed she can climb on with me to move me around as needed. There are two mattress options up there for it-- her call. One is a slim foam mattress for firmest surface. I hope she will clear me then for those stairs, too-- no handrail at all in that stairwell. :~( Very steep and twisty. But I need to be on that bed to FEEL what I am doing-- my left leg is still almost numb and the scar tissue is binding muscle movement/getting in the way. Till we get up there I can do the exercises she gave me standing, or in my extends-nearly-flat recliner.

I am to keep up the ramp walking 3x/day and increase distance as able. On her next visit I will also show her our treadmill and I hope I can be cleared for that as well-- to walk while Hardi does his weight-lifting.

When I go off HHS I expect to pick right up at outpatient PT and, hopefully, with ultrasound to soften that scar stuff up.

Osteo and MFR (Google "myofascial tissue release") will resume with my DO in a few weeks.
