The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3461706
Posted By: wysiwyg
05-Jan-13 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
OK, the prev post was the PT context. I forgot to mention that the PT is good with making my workouts into ADL/IADL for now. Here are the current goals/plan:

<> In Sailboats bedroom bed, at bedtime and rising: three supine stretches/exercises as illustrated/assigned.
<> On ramp, 3x/day interval walking as tolerated, starting with one lap and increase as able, after each meal. "Intervals" is where you go to the limit of your particular aerobic tolerance-- briefly-- and then slow back down just enough to get back to a normal workout breath/pulse, and then go again before totally cooling down. (Increases stamina/endorphins.)
<> Sitting at ramp, shoulder shrugs/neck rolls to break bedrest neck tightness/pain.
<> At laundry time, step-ups on 4" platforms leading to machines, with each load/machine check, for stair-climbing muscle-building (quads), with proper weight-shifting, probably start with 1 set of 3 reps per trip. Step-ups is where you carefully start on one leg and go up, and then go back down backwards. Then again starting on other leg. Normally reps are increased to fill a set of 10 reps, before adding additional steps to the process, but this spot has only a few "steps" to play with, so....? We shall see.

This is a LOT more than the PT assigned. We will see how I tolerate it. She may wind me back down a tad... I'll be focusing on getting these into a routine, decreasing reps as needed.

Today-- very tight and sore from breaking bedrest "rigor mortis" with PT yesterday, so normal chores to keep moving. At top of ramp, cinders are now swept (back rotation), items rearranged (bending, gentle lifting), rollator (walker with seat) placed in position for outdoor exercises. Heavy items left for hubby to remove.

The first bird feeder arrived yesterday. Hopefully hubby will arrive home this aftn with birdseed and we can mount this one on one of the ramp's posts... I hope the waterer/bird bath comes next! I can feed and water the "stock" each morning (cardinal colony. They can bathe before their water freezes! :~)
