The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148796   Message #3461709
Posted By: akenaton
05-Jan-13 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
I'm no right wing propagandist Bob....but we shouldn't blind ourselves to why this catastrophy happened.....most of it had to do with complacent "liberal" thinking, we all allowed it to happen.
Anyone with morethan two brain cells knew we were living beyond our means and tho' "democracy and equality" in a corporate capitalist system is meaningless, it costs us £trillions$ to keep the illusion in place.

We simply swallowed the pitch, never questioning if the money was real or out of the Monopoly box,
For capitalism to produce wealth we have to be competitive...we no longer are so, thus, jobs are shifted to counties who's populace are.
As you often say, the one percent have the last word, and while this system remains in place, the one percent will survive.....they could never survive without the "fixit liberals".
Harden up man!   Eat your porage!!   :0)