The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148617   Message #3461923
Posted By: gnu
05-Jan-13 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
I requested that no more posts be addressed to me, but... I do make sense...

Ya CAN'T make bad gun laws. Ya can't get a bill passed if it contains bad gun laws. It will NOT happen in the US. In Canada, it happened because we have a different form of government BUT the good gun laws have been repealed here BECAUSE the legislation included BAD gun laws and the new government used that to repeal the GOOD gun laws too (except in Quebec... say what ya want about them Q-becers but THEY got balls).

WHY won't anyone listen to me? It's SO simple.

FINE... some of youse have GOOD gun laws. We don't and look what happened. Good combined with bad gun laws are being proposed in the US and they will NEVER see the light of day. NEVER!

Youse just don't seem to understand the situation. It's plain and simple as the nose on your face. It's NOT about the will... it's about the way. And what bothers me most is the Yanks that say the problems "cannot" be solved. It makes me livid. Almost as livid as those who say NO guns are acceptable... that is innane... insane!... on a number of levels.

If that is all there is to say... that is all there is to say.... the NRA wins. Game over. Sad.

BTW... PM Harper has just given the go ahead for Canuck companies to sell any fuckin weapon they want to the Columbians... ya gotta love that free trade agreement he signed without Parliament approval, eh? But, we get fresh fruit all winter so it balances out, eh? Oh, yeah... they can now sell assault pistols and rifles wherever they want, near as I know.

Fact is, ya gotta do it right and not piss and moan that ya CAN'T.
TIA... I don't think of YOU that way.

PLEASE don't use my name again. Bicker among yourselves while the NRA laughs at you and people die.