The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94589   Message #3464239
Posted By: GUEST,999
10-Jan-13 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tom the Cat
Subject: Lyr Add: THOMAS CAT (parody of SAM HALL)
This song is performed by Alien Folklife and appears on the album Double Vision (1997).

Oh, my name is Thomas Cat
Feed my face
Yes, my name is Thomas Cat
Feed my face
Oh, my name is Thomas Cat
I am short and rather fat
But we'll talk no more of that
Feed my face

I'm a hunter bold and true
Hear me roar
I'm a hunter bold and true
Hear me roar (*mrow*)
I'm a hunter bold and true
Yes, I've caught a mouse or two
Look, I've brought one home for you
Lucky you

Oh, I've got a big hairball
*kock kack kock*
Yes, I've got a big hairball
*kack kock... kack*
Yes, I've got a big hairball
So I'll throw up in the hall
Then you'll slip on it and fall
Ha ha ha

Let me out / No let me in
No let me out / Let me in
Let me out / No let me in
No, let me out
Let me in
Just open up, and stand aside
Yours is not to reason why
When I'm ready, I'll decide
...or maybe not

Time to take my beauty rest
Life is hard
Time to take my beauty rest
Life is hard
Time to take my beauty rest
On your brand-new cashmere dress
Go away, don't be a pest
It's mine now

Well, I ate your parakeet
It was good
Yes, I ate your parakeet
It was good, mm-mm good
Yes, I ate your parakeet
And no more will it go *tweet*
And I even ate the feet
Crunch crunch... crunch

Oh, my name, it was Tom Cat
What a stud
Yes, my name, it was Tom Cat
What a stud (I was great)
Yes, my name, it was Tom Cat
Many offspring I begat
Till the vet took care of that
That's the end
Of Tom Cat
