The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148981   Message #3464623
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Jan-13 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: debt limit. can nybody explain why
Subject: RE: BS: debt limit. can nybody explain why
Powers that are the most heavily armed of their time, but who cannot afford the cost of being so eventually lose, not that they were defeated by the enemy's were defeated by themselves, because they couldn't afford the price of their own folly. Like a tree that grows too topheavy, they are brought down by their own weight.

This happened to Rome eventually. I think it will also happen to the USA. And not too far down the road.

Here's a short video that offers a concise description of what has occurred in regards to the world financial and military situation since 1945, centered around establishing the US dollar as the world's reserve currency at the Bretton-Woods Conference, that dollar initially backed by gold reserves at $35 per ounce, then taken off the gold standard by Richard Nixon in the early 70s and tied instead to purchasing oil (the grossly inflated US $ became the world's petrodollar), and what has happened since then...leading to the impending crisis we now constantly teeter on the edge of.

You'll either like this video. Or you'll hate it (and in that case probably ridicule it)...if it conflicts with your already established viewpoints on such matters.

Watch it and see....

Either way...(shrug)...your opinion of the video won't make an iota of difference to what actually happens to the world in due course, because it will happen regardless of your opinion or mine. Keep that in mind. That's how important our opinions are. They are of ZERO importance. But we do have them...and we all like to talk! (At least until we find something more significant to do instead...)