The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #941   Message #3465
Posted By: [Bill Foster]
25-Mar-97 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Preacher and the Bear
Subject: RE:Preacher and Bear

Use the two verses given above by Linda. The third verse goes:

Well, they fought plumb down to the river--
It was terrible fight;
That bear was bitin', scratchin', and growlin',
But the preacher was doin' all right.
He drug that beast into the water--three times in and out;
Then the bear got up and limped away, and the preacher began to shout:


Lord, you delivered Daniel from the lions' den
You also delivered Jonah from the belly of the whale--AMEN!
I know it may not look like much from where You sit up there,
But the hardest work I ever done was baptizin' that bear!