The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148981   Message #3466070
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Jan-13 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: debt limit. can nybody explain why
Subject: RE: BS: debt limit. can nybody explain why
Well, I suppose that a vote will foment the debate..whether they will be voting with debt limits attached or not...who knows/..they don't seem to read the bills too much any more....just their payoff receipts!
Actually my first post addresses that very issue...Either vote to increase it, or get the credit rating knocked down...see my first post.
I called it extortion on a grand scale...but what can you do?...One thing for sure, is recognized that whatever they come up with, that it will represent their 'financial benefits' for their 'sponsors' before it will represent US..take you pick..either side..both have their 'special(unknown) interests'.