The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3466113
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
14-Jan-13 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
The year is already 1/24th over and I am muddling along in low gear, doing the most necessary things and not much else.

point: yesterday I tried to make pot holders. I could NOT do it. I even threaded the machine wrong - the same on I have used for over 50 years! Plan: need a binding for edges and try again, more carefully.

plan: appointment for massage on Thurs. Hope it will help shoulder which is clearly skeletal Done: helpful chat with massage therapist about enabling - and caring for self, she says first but I cannot quite manage that. It is simply not my nature.

Plan: Leaving cabin about 6:15 tonight to go directly to folk dancing. If I go home first, I get stuck. Clothes laid out and I will eat and GO.

Plan: Phone recommended by friend chiropractor tomorrow - further to shoulder.

Done: banking on line for both my dear old CU and local commercial bank. Thanks to lovely woman at CU help line who talked me through it and gave me impetus! Also viewing of credit card accounts. Fewer trips to bank! More clarity.

Done: arranged with local thrift shop to collect quilts/blankets too stained or torn for resale - for dog rescue lady.

Done: Gallon of chicken stew that I will now have to transport to city as R absconded on Saturday and never came back. So much for having company for supper.

Resolved: Some life style changes need to be made.

Weight: same old 160 no matter what I eat or do not eat!   

Need to bring in some wood before I go....