The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149058   Message #3466799
Posted By: Bobert
15-Jan-13 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Honey Boo Boo Turns Chongz Down...
Subject: RE: BS: Honey Boo Boo Turns Chongz Down...
Listen ya'll... We now have "Exhibit A" and "Exhibit B" that there's some monkey business going on between Honey Boo Boo and one said resident poo-chuckin' monkey...

I mean, just how graphic does it have to be???

Ya'll want DNA samples???

Get used to it... I predict a Chongz Boo Boo like, ahhhh???

How old is this child???

This is disgusting...

Man, Chongz... You is one messed up poo-chucker...

I mean, unless this stuff about you and the kid is all made up and then you get a promotion to...

...just yer garden variety poo-chuckin' monkey but...

...I'm still wonderin' about these piccures???

