The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3467201
Posted By: GUEST,mg
16-Jan-13 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
I would perhaps scrub with a nice lavendar soap, if you like the smell of lavendar..if not lavendar, another true essential oil in it. That might help a bit with anxiety. Also, real rose would be nice. Read up on has antibacterial properties, as do all essential oils I believe...skip the hand sanitizer unless absolutely necessary...i.e. you are a nurse or something.

Lavendar will also help with sleep disorder and anxiety. All around miracle worker. Make sure you eat right for your body...lack of protein and fat and too many starches and sugars can add to up on hypoglycemia and anxiety disorders..they mimic each other. When body tries to balance blood sugars it sends surges of adrenaline and can be experienced as anxiety, panic attacks etc. Read metabolic body typing..also Doctor Oz..of course..where does that man not appear to us??? had a nice article in last months First magazine, which you can get in most grocery stores....he is late to the party..this has been out for years but glad he is finally acknowledging..

basically 4 types of least in US...1. does well with vegetarian, high carb. One does well with good version of American balanced diet. One needs more fats and light proteins..such as chicken, fish etc. One turns to hypoglycemia and diabetes if not fed properly..and probably anxiety disorders...I and others need lots of fats, and very heavy proteins..I need beef at lunch each and every day..Fridays are a problem because I am Catholic...

Read everything on diet and metabolic syndrome...if you are overweight, have chipmunk cheeks, carry weight in middle, have high blood sugar, high bp etc..probably are a candidate.