The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3467530
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Jan-13 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Sleep broken last night -- Discovered Tom on the floor around midnight. (Cat woke me, I decided I had to pee, Tom made thumping noises when he heard me in the upstairs hall.)

His skin is so fragile that the slightest abrasion makes him bleed, so the first thing I had to do is bandage him so he wouldn't bleed over everything. (Too late for the pillowcase...)

He still uses a wheelchair at night and the left brake has decided not to work. That's how he ended up on the floor -- he leaned against it and it slid away from him.

Anyway, got him back into his bed on the couch and got him the pain pill he had gotten up to get. (His infected foot is still quite painful and he has trouble walking.)

He went back to sleep...I needed to read quietly for another hour to wind down again. Plus a cat (Rufus, I'm sure) made a loud clatter downstairs so I had to investigate...but Tom was asleep. (Found out this morning Rufus had managed to get behind the sink and knock several things, including a very heavy base-weighted glass, into the sink, breaking it. Ach!)

Would have been nice to sleep an "extra" hour this morning, but didn't. Still hope to get all the stuff accomplished today that's on my list, but I'm feeling like a nap right now, so not sure what I'll feel like later.
