The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149044   Message #3467543
Posted By: GUEST,sciencegeek
17-Jan-13 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
thanks, gnu

a major problem we humans have is social inertia ... getting off our collective asses and challenging the same old way of doing things.

we push green technology .. and ignore the simple cheap & easy ways...

you know work WITH nature kinds of things. why keep installing pavement that increases runoff and flooding issues when you can use a combination of geogrids or other methods that are then interplanted with carbon dioxide, water absorbing vegetation?

the biggest absorber of carbon is the ocean... both the water & the phytoplankton... with terrestrial vegetation a distant second. Planting more trees will not only absorb carbon, but it will lock it in the wood, not to be released until it either decays or is burned.

Small steps, but well worth taking... plants not only absorb carbon, but air pollutants as well.... besides respiring O2 and tempering the immediate temperatures.

Think globally and act locally is paramount... because waiting for others to do it... well go reread Aesop's Fables and you'll figure it out.