The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149044   Message #3467609
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
17-Jan-13 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Methane is another greenhouse gas which isn't apparent in any of the above comment.

Surprising since its effects are far greater than carbon dioxide.

There are claims that food production (domestic cattle) is a major source, but according to Stephen Fry's QI program, which is usually reliable, the largest producers of methane on the planet are termites.

Good luck trying to stop those little buggers.

The point is that even warming caused directly by non human sources may still have indirect links with, or be the result of, human activity.

We do seem to be standing there with a smoking gun in our collective hands, and to deny that is hiding our heads in the sand.

Unless we give up denial and start to take sensible action, that tipping point Sciencegeek was talking about will be reached.

I'm sure the Neanderthals thought they would go on forever and where are they now? We are no more immune from the effects of climate change than they, or the Mammoth, or the Sabretooth Cat.

Don T.