The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28061   Message #346930
Posted By: Thyme2dream
26-Nov-00 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: EPS (Embarrassing Parent Syndrome)
Subject: RE: BS: EPS (Embarrassing Parent Syndrome)
Oh my, I am extremely adept at embarrassing my boys- from both angles really. On the one hand, I tend to the normal dorky parent syndrome...bursting into song with "O the Blue Bonnets are over the border..." every time I head for the margarine section of the supermarket (i bet that one needs some explaining)and playing this weird Bluegrass music when we drive along in the car (don't even mention the bagpipes!!). But Im also good at embarrassing them because I'm cool once in awhile. It's not that I try mind you-I gave that up when I was 16-but I genuinely like some of the same things they do, Renaissance Festivals and Xmen and Star Wars...and then there was ROCKFEST this summer...I really wanted to go, in my way of thinking it was nice of ME to include THEM! I was a good mum, I didn't drink, so they didn't have to worry about that...I held my tongue and my breath when my older two headed into the heart of the mosh pit in front of the stage (did have to give myself the "now karla, they are old enough to take care of themselves" lecture under my breath a couple of times tho')and I let them wander about as much as they liked...didn't even ask them to claim me! The only wee bit uncomfortable bit was when the drunk guy tried to hit on me and my 11 year old glared at him so fiercely he just backed up and apologized profusely! We had a good laugh at that one, and Jesse is now my official bodyguard! But the boys are still embarrassed... and I still think it's funny, which embarrasses them even more...I hope this phase passes eventually, but until then, Im having GREAT fun!!!!!!!