The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3469645
Posted By: LilyFestre
21-Jan-13 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Well, today has been a series of mix ups but all's well that ends well. I didn't get to my quilting today...maybe later tonight...but rather went to lunch with a friend a play date for our boys. We cut it a little bit short as it started to snow at a pretty good clip. I'm glad we took me quite a bit longer to get home and I passed an accident on the road. It certainly didn't take long for the roads to get icky. Once home, I got the fire going, clothes in the dryer, dishes done, groceries in (oh yeah..did a little grocery shopping). I have totes from the shed to tuck away the remaining Christmas gear. I hope to get most of that done today, if not all of it. At the moment, I'm not feeling so hot, so I'm taking a break. Jeremiah is happily playing and has a bowl on animal crackers nearby. I love watching him play. :)
