The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148617   Message #3469916
Posted By: Bobert
22-Jan-13 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
The gun allows wimpy people to be Rambo and therefore capable of violence... Back when I was growing up it was the fist fight... If you thought you were Mr. Toughie then have at it... After a few of them most kids figured out that "it ain't all about you" and chose to try to get along...

These days there is no reason to get along when if someone pisses you off you can just pull a little trigger thing and you are Mr. Toughie...

I've told this story a couple times but it is well worth re-telling... Back when my son was about 5 years old, he, his mother and I were enjoying a nice meal in a somewhat nice restaurant when about 8 or so Rambo-wantabbes came in with handguns strapped to their legs like in some western movie... I had heard about this happening but until you are sitting in that restaurant and it happens to you you can't understand just how disconcerting it is... I mean, where is my right to peacefully enjoy a meal out with my family... The NRA doesn't get it that the rest of us have rights, also...

I mean, the NRA is hung up on 7 or 8 words out of the thousands in the Constitution... I think that in order to own a gun you sould have to memorize the short paragraph known as the "Preamble to the U.S. Constitution" where the Founding Fathers laid out their vision for America then maybe these boorish bozos would get the "our rights, too" provisions of the document...
