The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3469969
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
22-Jan-13 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
adrenal exhaustion: not a great deal other than tons of rest, eating properly, drinking lots, milk thistle for liver, multi B plus minerals and extra B6 &5. There was a bit more but the books are in the cosy cabin and I am in the cold city house with a coat on and about to grab the heating pad off the bed and a quilt.

Crisis #???????? so I stayed home from dancing last night to keep a stressed out R company.

Ok, warmer.

Spent all of yesterday morning giving moral support, then to thrift shop for very useful items. Back to cabin for lunch and one more tiny sewing project shoulder reacted so the hot pads are sitting there for next time. Hot bath seemed a better idea, then recuperation time and back to city as R did not sound good. After a nice store pizza, and a little TV/talk/phone(him)/reading, we both fell asleep on sofa before 11!

The trip back was dicey with all the secondary roads sometimes bare and sometimes skating rink quality. Left my wallet at the cabin so I need to go. Plenty of everything in frig so no hurry. Jst the psychology of being walletless! Almost as bad as being bookless!

Thinking about - the stress of physiological problems which cause emotional stress and the stress of business problems which create emotional and, hence, physiological problems. We humans must be terrifically resilient to survive life!

I left the cabin clean and dishes washed, and a good pile of wood on the hearth. Here - I will deal with the necessary chores after R leaves - and my feet are warm again. R has been on the phone since about 8:30, Also phone that chiropractor for an appointment. Very unhappy shoulder - not constant but - always ready to grab me! Most peculiar.