The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149089   Message #3470420
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
23-Jan-13 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim men and white girls - again
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim men and white girls - again
>>>Truth is, it starts very close to many cases. I suppose there are phantom abductions - but that's not the generality of the problem.

Fid you know that?<<<<

Yes, I knew it. My own mother was sexually abused as a child, by her Uncle, Tom, her father's brother. Her parents would leave her with he and his wife, Elfrida, thinking she was safe with them, just down the road with family.

She told NO-ONE about it at all, until one day, she was watching a TV programme about Child Abusers. I walked in the room (we lived together, in Horrabridge, back then) and she said, very 'matter-of-factly' that she had been a victim of this herself. She was nearly 60 years old at the time. I stared at her and she then told me about Uncle Tom...I had always wondered why she appeared to hate him so much, getting so angry with her mother when she would ask her to pop something down the road to him. He was old by then, very old, but her hatred for him burned bright. I never liked him...rarely saw him.

She was always paranoid about my brother and I being left with anyone...Took me a long time to work a few things out, why I was never allowed to join things as a child..always kept close to her...She had many problems, but this affected her deeply. Her brothers knew nothing of this until I told them years later and were stunned...

Jo, my best friend's sister in law, abused by her grandfather as a child. Stunningly beautiful woman, drop-dead gorgeous, but she uses men, then throws them away, brutally so. Their family NEVER speak of what happened amongst each other..and her father gives her EVERYTHING she wants, out of guilt, for he did not believe her story, that his own father would do this. She's now in her 40s, still single, has a child though, around 3 now..the father is out of the picture. She still lives at home with her parents, who do everything for her, raise the child, indulge her every whim...She travels the world, exotic places, has everything she wants, for Daddy is VERY wealthy..Her parents are old now, but she still knows exactly how to pull their strings...The only thing she doesn't have is Peace, or Love...for that stopped way back when she was a child....

My daughter, whose teacher ended up in prison after rigging up various cameras around his classroom to take photos of his female pupils, up their skirts, down their blouses...He ended up on Suicide Watch, because he was so upset. He was the teacher my daughter trusted the most, because he was always so kind to her...One of the other teachers knew what he was doing, but he closed ranks..tried to get him to seek help instead of shouting from the rooftops....

>>>>Do you actually care about anything , or is it all just an excuse to blow a gasket?<<<<

I wish I DIDN'T fucking care in the depth I do, actually! I wish I could be like so many others and NOT GIVE A SHIT, but I care so fecking deeply that at times it keeps me awake! At times I get exhausted with typing, reading, finding out, informing! I get so down over Belo Monte, the Ecocide happening around our planet...and I want to scream and shout and yell for the WORLD, for we are literally Designing Our Own Deaths right now!

I CARE because I'm a Mother and I have two children of 26 and 18 who are going to be alive when The Shit Hits The Fan from OUR generation and those who have gone before, who were so fecking selfish, so fecking stupid, so fecking DISINTERESTED that they ALLOWED their planet to be raped and pillaged purely so they could enjoy a luxurious Life Of Stuff!!

I CARE because Native Americans come to my page to say Thank You, because it means so much to them to have people who believe in them, who don't see them in the way they have been portrayed for centuries! I CARE because many of them are REALLY HURTING, to their Souls!

I CARE because we have become so Fucked Up as a Species that we are now not only fucking up our own species on a MASSIVE scale, but we are fucking up every other species too!

There are people out there killing Giraffes just for FUN!!! There are people out there Big Game Hunting, purely so they can have their photo taken with the dead Giraffe (insert beautiful animal of your choice) and they take their CHILDREN trophy hunting too!

I CARE because today, even Sir David Attenborough has come out saying that we Humans are a Plague upon this planet!

You are angry with me because I whacked your backside over what you said on my FB page. That's your privilege, but don't make out that I don't fecking CARE because that truly pisses me off bigtime!