The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147102   Message #3471845
Posted By: Kenny B (inactive)
26-Jan-13 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
I wonder who will carry the banner of Toqemada here .... no prizes for guessing

As far as i am concerned we are what is called in Scotland as "a' Jock Tamsons bairns" and should be treated as such.
To misquote stats out of context as Musket says shows a lack of analytical skills. Guess who?
If you have a look at the "Scotland for Marriage Campaign" and have read or listened to the learned churchmen involved one of the tenets of their 10 points of argument is understandable they, dont want to marry people who dont conform to their interpretation of marriage, and dont want to be sued for not complying and involved in legal/damages costs.
The whole issue is very political, they are walking a tightrope between the liberals and hardliners and want to come out smelling of roses no matter the outcome.
The object of local polititions in all states and countries involved IN MY OPINION is to do the same and allow the religious groups to have a concientious objection allowed in law but allow marriage to be a right for all who publically want their status to be acknowledged and respected.
No doubt there will be wheeling and dealing in the meantime to achieve a result that satisfies borh sides of the argument.I have tried to keep my response as close to the title of the thread as posssible and not introduce "Red Herrings"
I find the thread a good socialogical excercise in the sense that all the colours of the rainbow are in view whether they are our favourite colour on not.
Have a good day :<) and in musical terms "All gods children have place in the choir"