The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149276   Message #3472473
Posted By: greg stephens
28-Jan-13 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Howard Goodall's Story of Music
Subject: RE: Howard Goodall's Story of Music
This was not a history of music. It was a posh boy's history of posh music. With a few passing nods to hiphop etc: the pedagogues of the world always like to pretend to be "with it" and down with the kids(it never works).Others have picked on his ludicrous claim that singing in octaves was invented by some Christian monks in whateverAD. Ditto drones. How on earth did the poor benighted inhabitants of Asia and Africa manage to make music before we went and showed them at bayonet point? You can build silly sets for cutely curly-haired Howard to talk in front of till the cows come home,but he'll still be totally ignorant about music. Even if he wrote the Blackadder theme.