The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148617   Message #3472771
Posted By: Bill D
28-Jan-13 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
"ยท.. first figure out what the problem really is,..."

Well...gee. How long do I have? There are myriad, complex, interrelated problems!! And who is going to evaluate my proposed list of them once I write the 800 page book outlining them? You?

While I work out the 'problems' and submit my ideas, there are people dying!

Suppose you have a dog digging up your flower beds. You can analyze the history of man's relation to canines and study the behavior of dogs in urban environments and the relative distance of garden plots to the dogs enclosures in the area..... or, you can fence the garden and enforce tighter laws about dogs running free!

Problems with gun deaths? Easy... There are daily tragedies from too many of the wrong people having too many of the wrong kind of weapons! Solutions? Reduce the totals of either or both! How? Well... you want simple, or do you want feasible? I can list a number of each.. as can a dozen other posters to this thread. The solutions are totally enmeshed in cultural, financial & political webs which defy most attempts to cut thru them.... but someone has to make a start. (yeah, I underlined that... see below)

Now... I use underscores and quotation marks to try to make writing sound like speaking and emphasize what I think needs 'extra' oomph, like a politician making a speech. You may, at your convenience, ignore them or copy & paste them into a word processing program, where those caps & italics, etc., will disappear. I will continue to compose my posts to express my opinions... just as some continue to post as a non-member for some reason.