The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3472999
Posted By: katlaughing
29-Jan-13 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
LOL, Tami!

Just taking a break after picking up dog-chewed cat food paper plates and other "no-nos" from two very bored dogs; watering all the houseplants, and, picking up other stuff which has piled up. And, it's just 9a!

The past couple of months or so, I have slept a lot during the day, not so much at night due to new meds, depression, etc. It feels as though the fog may be lifting.

My WEN shampoo hasn't come in, so I am going to try the baking soda and vinegar routine. Then I have a manipulation 1.5 hr appt. with my friend, the osteopath, then coumadin clinic.

It is cold here and our car heater needs to be reverse flushed so mostly no heat. We've had the coldest Jan. in upmteen yrs, thus the bored dogs, mom can't play outside, and a little bit of cabin fever.