The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149295   Message #3473231
Posted By: Dennis the Elder
29-Jan-13 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: An important notice on folk club website-Amberley
Subject: RE: An important notice on folk club website-Amberley
Folk Clubs are for all types of folk and discrimination against performers with poor memories in a singaround should not happen.
There are many reasons why some of us cannot remember as well as perhaps we once could, Virginia Tams and Nutty quoting illnesses as their reason, they must not stop singing, unfortunately I have not heard Virginia sing, but have heard Nutty and have enjoyed every word.
Allowing crib sheets or actually reading should be allowed. Perhaps where a performer is being paid, a discussion should take place between the performer and the organiser prior to the event in order that each knows what is expected.
The rules Will Fly quotes appear very reasonable.
I am not a good singer, but, I do practise the songs I hope to sing and try new ones very regularly. I, however, always need the words in front of me when I sing. If I go somewhere where this is not known I will ask if this is ok, if not, I will stay for the evening, obviously not sing or visit that Club again.
At the Club I visit most often the vast majority of the performers do not use memory aids, play their own accompaniment and all are also better singers than me, however, I am always made very welcome and encouraged.