The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3473990
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
31-Jan-13 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Well, that did not work. It was dreary and not quite warm enough. I am going to enjoy the wind, drink herbal teas, take VIt C and pau d'arco and hope the "hots and colds" go away. I think I shall just stay over tonight and see if I can get needful things done in the morning. I can peck away at the indoor chores - do stewed apples with my next bit of energy, cut up and freeze some peppers that are losing it. When I darn well feel like it. And hope tomorrow ... or even tonight...

I accomplished a number of small needful things yesterday, one of which was signing up for the four winter Farmer's Markets. Hence, need some pots made and some hearts for the 10 February one. But I also tried to go to the local library and the cleaning materials (odour) put me into brain fog and a headache within ten minutes. LEFT and went to municipal office to comment. They said they would speak to the cleaners - this is new stuff in the last couple months. And warned me "they" are painting the rec centre next week - where the Market will be. Can only hope it will air out enough in a week. I forgot to ask what day the cleaning happens. Next time.

So I went to two Montreal branches last evening and managed to borrow six books in English. Made a foccacia pizza for supper.

Darn, I am coughing and sneezing. Time to quit pretending I can do stuff. Just enjoy the wind and the wood stove and a book. And shivering.

THAT tree does not look good! If it falls, it will only go across the drive we are not using! I checked around my car for danger; a large branch JUST missed it last spring. The construction of this cabin is so solid, I am not concerned. But I will go take a look around.

It would be kind of cool to see that tree go down. Maybe I will just sit and watch!
Happy last day of January!