The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149340   Message #3474198
Posted By: Janie
31-Jan-13 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Feb-ROO-ary!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Feb-ROO-ary!!!!
Ya'll folks need to get lives for yerselves.

Seriously. At least fer any of yas that have a serious gripe about this. For example. I know how Febrooary is supposed to be pronounced. But it still ain't the way I larned it and old habits that got instilled at about the time I learned to talk die hard. I got more important and pressing things to do and to think about than to remind myself for a solid month to pause, think, and overcome the programming that results in Febyouwary passing my lips rather than Febrooary.

Ha! from the Mariam Webster on-line dictionary:

Dissimilation may occur when a word contains two identical or closely related sounds, resulting in the change or loss of one of them. This happens regularly in February, which is more often pronounced \ˈfe-b(y)ə-ˌwer-ē\ than \ˈfe-brə-ˌwer-ē\, though all of these variants are in frequent use and widely accepted. The \y\ heard from many speakers is not an intrusion but rather a common pronunciation of the vowel u after a consonant, as in January and annual.

So relieved to know that in at least some respects, I'm normal.

Now, if ya'll will excuse me, I gotta go tend to my very close veins. If they cause much discomfort I get high blood and my sugar dibes gets a bit cattywhomped.

Ya'll may snicker and call me ignorant, which am true, but you still get my drift, right?