The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149358   Message #3474497
Posted By: ollaimh
01-Feb-13 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: rios mont and the american genocide
Subject: rios mont and the american genocide
rios mont was charged with genocide a few days ago. he was the guatemalian dictator who with massive american goverb]=nement and evangellical christian support massacred a quarter million natives of guatemala in the name of fighting communism. he is a monster. ronald reasgan who funded and supported this was a genocidal monster, and pat robertson who raised a lot of money for rios mont--who joined his church is a genocidal monster.

this is the world we live in. many american think these american hitlers are moral and cultural leaders.

it is nice thst mont is finally being tried but the american government and all those who helped mont should also be tried for gemocide.

pat robertson was particularily disgusting. he revealed years ago he knew aht was going on but didn't appreciate the magnitude of the genocide and saif "mistakes were made"

when these monsters "make mistakes " the poorest most oppressed people on earth die in the hundreds of thousands , but when a leader, be he chavez or danny williams in newfoundland want world prices for their oul then they are anti freedom.

to these american monsters freedom means the freedom to plunder the world and kill any one who gets in the way