The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149044   Message #3475687
Posted By: GUEST,sciencegeek
04-Feb-13 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
the "climate change industry"????   what climate change industry?

The petrochemical industry has been around for over a century... the coal industry far longer than that. Global warming has only been identified as an issue in the past few decades... you want to tell me who started this industry? A number of start up companies that have formed to make products for sustainable energy is hardly in the same league. They can't afford the lobbyists... yet.

The "facts" that the scientific community relies upon are those that are published in peer reviewed journals.   and if the "facts" presented are found to be unrealistic or the hypotheses are not testable, then they don't hold up and are discarded or debunked.

And the more supporting evidence that is found from unrelated fields is that much more compelling and provides additional avenues of investigation. Good science is based upon well reasoned questions and the methods used to answer those questions... not making wild statements and then seeing who can argue the loudest. That's for the faith based crowd... who never met a fact they couldn't ignore if it upset their belief system.   

"Three great forces rule the world: STUPIDITY, FEAR and GREED."
Albert Einstein