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Thread #149044   Message #3475835
Posted By: sciencegeek
04-Feb-13 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
"The "facts" that the scientific community relies upon are those that are published in peer reviewed journals."

Sorry... but I also have a degree in the "hard sciences"... double major actually... and I have long maintained that we are in an inter- glacial period... based on the cycles that been going on for the past few million years.

That being said... the facts include plenty of data concerning environmental effects caused by human activity, in addition to "natural processes" that go on regardless. Global warming is causing changes to the environment and we need to figure out how to deal with it... other than sticking your head in the sand or up your arse. These are the "interesting times" referred to in that famous oriental curse.