The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149377   Message #3475945
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
05-Feb-13 - 04:47 AM
Thread Name: [Formerly BS:] Musical snobbery
Subject: RE: BS: Musical snobbery
Re Wagner. Sitting through the whole of The Ring would be too much for me, but the Ride of the Valkyrie ... When I'm angry or feeling low, I put this on in the car ( I have a Classic FM CD of favourites) at full belt. I have a good music system in my little Fiesta. My word, that piece of music has my heart leaping in two seconds. As to the latest 'Hits' I regularly catch up on them on TV and find myself liking many. I used to adore the fifties and sixties Hits, but today's stuff is just as good, only different. And the accompanying videos are often excellent. No-one surely could call me a 'snob' for liking a bit of Wagner, or 'low-class' for enjoying Ri-ri or Beyonce.
As to the folk who go to Glyndbourne, are people jealous of their wealth perhaps? Because many of them have a bob or two. That doesn't make them 'snobbish', just rich! What I don't like (and other posts have said the same thing) is any type of music performed badly. We all have a right to judge the merit of any performance. That isn't snobbery either.