The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149377   Message #3476034
Posted By: John P
05-Feb-13 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: [Formerly BS:] Musical snobbery
Subject: RE: BS: Musical snobbery
People who denigrate music that others enjoy are snobs. All musical genres are rife with snobs. I hear it a lot from classical music fans, and from classical music non-fans. The jazz scene is terrible in this way. I hear it regularly on Mudcat about traditional folk music and about non-traditional folk music, and about folk music versus almost anything else. There's a lot of it going on in this thread.

I think the only way that I'm a musical snob is that I don't like to see people who aren't ready to be on stage getting up on stage anyway. There is often an attitude in the folk music community that everyone gets to share and that everyone needs to get a start some time. I disagree. I think people should stay at home until they're ready to perform. Yes, everyone needs to start performing sometime, and I'm very supportive of people who have done their homework and are showing it off for the first time. It's pretty easy to tell the difference between lack of stage experience and lack of sufficient practice (or skill) to be able to play the song competently and remember the words.