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Thread #149044   Message #3479116
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
13-Feb-13 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
Subject: RE: BS: It's global warming, stupid!
""Good grief, Charlie Brown. The Sun is the only external source of energy for the Earth's atmosphere.""

Misunderstanding, accidentally or deliberately Peedee?

The distance from Earth to Sun is, within the narrowest of margins, constant, and so is the heat generated at that distance, again within very narrow limits.

So, unless the Sun itself gets hotter, it isn't going to cause global warming, and we know that the Sun is in a phase where it is, very slowly, cooling.

So, the difference must be at our end, and the only possible answer is, as TIA pointed out, insulation.

The more of that heat we keep in, the hotter we get, and that is what greenhouse gasses do. By reducing the heat radiation into space, they cause global warming.

So, given our production of CFCs and Carbon Dioxide, and the quantity of carbon we put into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution by burning fossil fuels, and the methane production from intensive livestock farming, whether there is a human contribution to global warming is not up for debate.

IT IS A FACT! The only thing yet to be determined is the proportion of the whole for which we are responsible.

Don T.