The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149377   Message #3480717
Posted By: Ron Davies
17-Feb-13 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: [Formerly BS:] Musical snobbery
Subject: RE: BS: Musical snobbery
DDT et al.--

I'm so sorry to hear about the Monterrey Jazz Festival using synthesizers.   I knew there was a reason I didn't attend.

Nor, with all due respect, will I be attending any gigs of your brother's band--he'll be crushed to hear this.

And as for New Wave, I predict that 20's, 30's and 40's music (not to mention early rock) will be around long after the New Wave has crashed and disappeared without a trace.

I actually have quite a wealth of musical opportunity without ever having to be at an event sullied by a synthezizer.    Already I can't find time to go to all the classical concerts I'd like to--fortunately I'm in a fair number.   Not to mention, doo-wop, bluegrass, Balkan, tradtional country, Sephardic, (real) Western swing, hot jazz, etc, etc.

Look, it's real simple. Some people insist on the real thing. Some will take anything.

You and I have both made it plain on which side of the issue we stand.

I am willing to live and let live. Somehow it seems likely that synthesizers will not go away any time soon--especially given the economic incentive to use them. It's interesting that you are not williing to admit they place--increasing--pressure on real musicians, though I have explained more than once how this happens.   I have also patiently explained that only if synthesizer is the only keyboard a person plays do I consider that person not a real musician.

However for some reason you're not willing to live and let live. I wonder where the intolerance lies. You evidently resent the idea that traditionalists exist.   Too bad.   I am not alone.

But I recognize the limits on my power.   You may not have observed that I do not run the universe.   I however have observed this fact.

And by the way, it's fascinating that, though I've asked more than once, neither you nor GfS have yet given your views on a related topic:   drum machines.    Could it be that you are dodging the issue?    Nah, not a chance.