The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147102   Message #3480780
Posted By: Don Firth
17-Feb-13 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
And what in your alleged mind makes him "corrupt," Goofball? You make it plain that you don't care about his religious affiliation or his handedness (interesting to note that you immediately went to matters of "jerking off!"), so what, exactly, makes him "corrupt?" There's only one thing left.

A same-sex oriented person is ipso facto corrupt?


Where I live, there is a Lutheran church about ten blocks north. It is Missouri Synod, very conservative. They are opposed to homosexuality, considering it a sin.

Nine blocks south of where I live, there is another Lutheran church. Their synod is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. For the past thirty years they have been willing to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples (whether state law recognizes it or not) AND welcome people with same-sex orientation into the church of they wish to join.

This is not a "gay church." It has a congregation of well over two hundred, only a small percentage of same-sex oriented members, but for obvious reasons, a larger percentage of openly gay or lesbian members than the conservative Lutheran church north of where I live.

By the way, there are some FIVE churches of various denominations within a radius of two miles of where I live who do not discriminate against those of same-sex orientation, welcome them into the church, and are willing to perform marriage ceremonies for them if they wish.

These churches have signed and adopted the "Statement of Welcome," which reads as follows:
We affirm with the apostle Paul that in Christ "there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female" (Galatians 3:28). Christ has made us one.

As a community of God striving to be inclusive and open to diversity, we welcome all people to join us as we struggle to better understand the mysteries of God's teaching and purposes for us. Although our world can seem to be a place of alienation and brokenness, Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. We are challenged by Christ to care for, to love, to understand and to listen to each other, regardless of our race, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, sexual/affectional orientation, national origin, or economic status. We celebrate the special gifts that each has to bring!

All people are welcome within the membership upon making the same affirmation of faith, and, as members of this church, we are all expected and encouraged to share in the sacramental and general life of this congregation. We celebrate together our unity as God's people.
Simple enough. If a gay or lesbian person is discriminated against or condemned as a "sinner" in their own church (assuming they go to church), there are other churches out there who are signatories to the "Affirmation of Welcome" quoted above. Change churches. Everybody's happy.

And when and where are all these "pro-homosexual groups" who are "putting pressure on corporations?"

Oh! On Mars. Well, then I'd say let the Martians deal with it..

Don Firth