The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147102   Message #3481802
Posted By: Don Firth
20-Feb-13 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
Obviously you are unaware, GfS, that when marriage became a legally recognized institution, it was not for the purposes you outlined, it was primarily a matter of property alliances. And thus it remained until very recently. Many marriages were arranged, and not by the "loving couple," who may not have even met each other until after the decisions were made by others, and had no say in the matter. Property and inheritance.

Marriages among the lower classes generally consisted of the couple simply moving in together and making an announcement to friends and family, possibly with a ceremony in the local church. No actual legal registration.

Same-sex couples are not so much trying to manipulate or force governments and churches, as you claim. No one is trying to get churches who don't want to perform marriage ceremonies to do so, because there are many churches who will preform such ceremonies. And rightfully, they want the civil authorities to recognize them and give them the same legal rights and privileges that heterosexual couples have, which includes inheritance rights and hospital visitation rights as "next of kin"—the same rights that heterosexual married couples have.

Granting same-sex couples the same civil rights as heterosexual couples will not, in any way affect the marriages of heterosexual couples.

Thus, it IS a civil rights issue.

To those who understand, no explanation is necessary. To those who will not understand, no explanation is possible.

Don Firth