The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27955   Message #348510
Posted By: NightWing
29-Nov-00 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: Help: BANNER ADS FOR MUDCAT???$$$$$$???
Subject: RE: Help: BANNER ADS FOR MUDCAT???$$$$$$???
I don't mind banner ads either ... because I ignore them too (rather pointedly, in fact). And, as several people pointed out, that makes them worthless to the web site. So, Max, my check is on the way.

In fact, since I use, I have set up a monthly automatic check for the next 12 months. I know that PayMyBills *can* send e-payment, but I do not know how a "payee" can set that up. Perhaps they'll send Max the info along with the check.

Like PayPal (which I've never used), you have to give your bank account info to them. They do direct withdrawals from your checking account when you tell them to and for the amount you tell them to. They maintain records of your bill paying and you can download everything to your computer in several different formats (MS Excel and Quicken, for two).

I use PayMyBills for all my bills (except for my car insurance, strangely; just haven't got them set up with it yet) and haven't written a check for a bill (see above) in nearly a year.

It's worth a try. *shrug*


P.S. If all the people who say they are going to send donations actually do, I might suggest that he could raise all the money he needs by announcing every six months or so that he's going to have to start putting up banner ads to pay for the 'Cat. ;>