The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3485182
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Mar-13 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Still don't see why 'closet'
Sorry, maybe 'out of the closet' is nearer the mark'
Didn't really expect your opinions on Sabra/Shatila, the treatment of Bedouins, et al – good job I didn't hold my breath!
"'racism' is not an appropriate term to use in this context,"
Describing male Pakistanis as being culturally implanted to make them prone to underage sex is a horrific racist statement which implicates an entire racial group (or the male half of one), which you describes as not being racist, Unless you would like to claim that it was all Jack Straw's fault, as Keith does.
Forcibly moving Bedouins from their traditional lands to make room for Jewish settlers is a racist act.
Since my name has been taken in vain since I left this thread;
You have endless rejected linked information from sources you have claimed to be biased (or even "only blogs") yet you admit you are only presenting one side of the picture – you have even gone so far as to say that the only information on the Sabra/Shatila massacre in favour of the Israeli part in that massacre comes from the Israelis themselves – the facilitators and participants. That admission alone makes you prejudiced by definition of the word; the fact that the only claim of innocence of the Israelis comes from Israelis, the perpetrators themselves, underlines Israel's guilt in this massacre.
We have bent over backwards not to present information from Arab sources because we knew you would use that as an excuse to dismiss it – how does that make us bigoted and not you?
"Why Israel"
Because you chose to present the Bedouins in Israel as an example of egalitarian and tolerant treatment of all peoples by Israel. Why else – your choice alone?
Please stop complaining because your dishonesty and stupidity comes back and bites your bum.
You consistently refuse to explain why the maltreatment of people elsewhere in any way excuses the proven persecution of Bedouins by the Israeli regime, though your choosing Britain as a comparison is not a bad one – Britain is also persecuting and maltreating Travellers to the point of extinction as an ethnic group.
"They can build houses wherever they want?"
The Bedouins are a nomadic people and their enforced eviction to make room for Jewish settlers is not only a racist act, but the conditions pertaining on that site make it a war crime.
Also, your refusal to acknowledge the fascist/racist nature of forcibly removing one ethnic/cultural group to make room for another is an act of classical state fascism is an opportunity to reiterate this fact, over and over again until you stop ignoring it.
Jim Carroll