The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149721   Message #3485977
Posted By: Airymouse
03-Mar-13 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: Cutty Wren Folk Club Redcar moves venue
Subject: RE: Cutty Wren Folk Club Redcar moves venue
Firstly, I would like to say to Nutty that it is good to see the word, "fitted". In my country they are trying to introduce strong verbs, as if there were not enough of them already. They use "fit" for "fitted", "dove" for "dived" and "snuck" for "sneaked". Ogden Nash, to no avail, even wrote:
Although a baseball may be hit not hitted
The past tense of fit is always fitted
The sole exception worth a haricot
Is Joshua fit de battle of Jericho.
AS I live in Virginia, I'm not likely to visit your club, but I thought you all might be interested in a version of the Cutty Wren, which comes through Pennsylvania:
Where are you going says Cozy Mozy
Where are going says Jack a thread nozy
Where are you going says brothers all three
I'm going to the woods says Willy Wally
(Keeping the same pattern)
What do you do there; I'm going hunting
What are you going to hunt
Hunting Robin Redbreast
What are you going to hunt him with
Bows and arrows
What are you going to cook him in
Pots and kettles
What are you going to cut him up with
Knives and hatchets
Who will help eat him
My wife and children
Where you throw the bones
I'll throw them in the sea
They'll sink the ships
They'll sink in the sand

Cozy, Mozy and Nozy have a long o; Wally like the boxer Ali, with a W