The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149767   Message #3486059
Posted By: Rapparee
03-Mar-13 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: vintage jello recipes
Subject: RE: BS: vintage jello recipes
1. Make green Jello and pour it into the bottom of a clear bowl. Let it set up.

2. Make some really thick, white, opaque stuff using cream cheese, milk, and bits of white marshmallows. Spread this over the green jello -- about three inches of green jello and three inches of white paste-y stuff. Refrigerate.

3. Make some orange jello. Let it cool and pour it over the white stuff. Let it all set up in the fridge.

You now have the flag of Dear Old Ireland!!! Serve it on St. Paddy's Day!! After enough of the craytur no one will care what it tastes like.

Helpful hint: add raw shredded carrots the green jello and bits of chopped celery to the orange for the true orange-white-and-green feeling!