The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149746   Message #3486138
Posted By: billybob
04-Mar-13 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Letters from 1943! ( Billybob)
Subject: RE: BS: Letters from 1943! ( Billybob)
Oh so sorry that all the photos were lost Rumncoke, are there any siblings of your mother in law who might have photos you can copy. I am so lucky that my father kept so many documents,( even all his train season tickets in an elastic band!!) we have many photo albumns but also I found a big cardboard box in dad's study when he died that was full of photos dating back to before the first world war, we have found out who most of them are by sending copies to my mother's cousin, who is as sharp as a tack at 90, and we have written beside them in the album any notes she made. We also idendified some of the men in uniform by the regimental badges on their caps! Your advice is so important, photo or scan any documents, sit with relatives and go through photo albums and write on the back of photos who is in the picturem where they were and a date if possible!

I am lucky that mum was able to come and live with Billy and I when dad died, I packed up all her treasures , photos, "nick nacks"and she has her bedroom furnished just as it was for 67 years of marriage but in my house. She has paintings, framed photos on the walls and we often go through the photo albums to remind her of the past. Music and poetry are a joy to her and visitors better like Bing or Frank because they are singing everyday around here!

I have a brilliant support system in place, private carers come in during the day so I can continue running my business, but it is hard, last night for instance I was up 3 times in the night to undress her and put her back to bed, she thought it was morning each time! Billy and I really would like a weekend away, we managed three last year but it is difficalt to get the right sort of person for three days that mum would be contented with.

Just wonder what that lovely nineteen year old would think if she got a letter from me 70 years in the future " Dear mum, guess what happens next?"

Wendy xxxx