The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149793   Message #3486621
Posted By: GUEST,chris
05-Mar-13 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: why did I think windows 8 would work
Subject: why did I think windows 8 would work
I ended up with windows 8 on a laptop that I bought to replace an old one that used Vista - I ended up with it 'cos there was nothing else!!
Windows 8 has to be the biggest waste of time and space ever. eg if you want to add a photo to a hotmail email - the system asks me to install silverlight - every time, even after it had been installed. I want to print a pdf it will show it on screen but gives no access to a printer!!
I can't imagine what sort of mind could create such a totally useless system and then tell us it's good.
Microsoft ................words ....Ican't think of words to describe my feelings towards it!!!!!!!!!!!!