The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149706   Message #3486676
Posted By: The Sandman
05-Mar-13 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: Nailing your colours to the mast...
Subject: RE: Nailing your colours to the mast...
tough titty, ah Iam now being lambasted by a lithe lettuce, probably a cos.
"But reprimanding one's audience for not adopting a particular stance over a particular issue, and then for not doing anything actively to influence it, belongs in a political gathering convened for the purpose, not in a musical gathering; and is the action of a conceited, self-satisfied, priggish fool; which is precisely what this Frank fellow demonstrated himself to have been on the occasion under consideration. The fact that I was not there to witness it myself, and that he is no longer in a position to dispute as to his motivations, is neither here nor there"
ah MGM, Give it a break, he was a talented song writer who was young and was upset about the support England was giving In the murdering of innocent people, maybe he made a mistake in his approach, but he was no more a conceited priggish fool, than you are a bombastic pompous ass.