The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149613   Message #3487135
Posted By: Bat Goddess
06-Mar-13 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
The visiting nurse came (without calling first) about 15 minutes after I got Tom into the house after his doctor's appointment.

She just left after drawing blood so we don't have to go anywhere else to do that. (She's driving a Jeep, by the way, but she still walked down the driveway.)

This weather is just relentless. A snowstorm before the last snowstorm of February, made it the third snowiest February in New Hampshire history with 41.1" as of 2-25-2013. February 1969 had 49.8" and February 1893 had 59".

Tom's got an appointment with his cardiologist tomorrow and we really want to be there, but if we're in the middle of getting the 4-8" they're predicting, Tom is NOT going to be able to get from the house to the car safely and, quite honestly, if the driving sucks, it's a hell of a lot safer for us to NOT drive the 50 miles to the cardiologist and back.

I'm really fed up with snow (and mud) this year. We've had a two year reprieve.
