The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149613   Message #3487699
Posted By: Bat Goddess
07-Mar-13 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon in hospital again - HOME AGAIN!
Well, THAT was fun...(NOT!)

Heading to the cardiologist was uneventful. I like uneventful. Flow snurries snurrying in the air, but the road surface was only a little wet. Nothing sticking.

Borrowed their wheelchair and got Tom up the long ramp and walk and someone kindly got the door open. Had a good and productive discussion with Tom's cardiologist.

But by the time we were finished there, it was snowing a lot more heavily. Had someone assist in getting Tom to the car. Someone had parked too close to the passenger side to get the wheelchair in there, so I moved the car. Done. And then I also didn't have to take the wheelchair back. Decided to give the other Portsmouth errand a miss and just did the two closer to home. Wanted to get home before the snow built up too much. Driving wasn't bad (some reduced visibility), but I was really worried about getting Tom from car to house safely.

Getting Tom into the house again was the real fun part. There was close to an inch of snow on the deck, steps, and the already mushy and wet path to the steps. But we did it and neither of us fell. Deep sigh of relief. His Curmudgeonness says he's not going anyplace until winter is over. (Including to The Press Room tomorrow -- but I'll put in an appearance if the weather cooperates a little bit.)

Okay, the results of today's consult was, first, that Tom is definitely to NOT take the Lisinipril that the hospitalist was insisting on. (Yes, we straightened that all out on Monday.) And that he should be taking the furosomide every day, not just three days a week as the hospitalist wanted. And the major decision was to cancel the hospital-scheduled pharmocological stress test on Monday. There are too many risks for the test when the results would be unhelpful as any treatment resulting from any new knowledge would also involve too many risks.

Glad we're, dry and warm. Really really tired of winter.


So basically Tom's doctors have just countermanded all of the hospitalist's orders -- because they know him and his history better.