The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149778   Message #3487840
Posted By: ollaimh
07-Mar-13 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Test Your Knowledge of the Bible
Subject: RE: Test Your Knowledge of the Bible
there are two prominent characters in the dead sea scrolls, the liar and the teacher of righteousnes. some think jesus was the liar and john the baptist the teacher of righteousness, some think paul/saul was the liar and james the brother of jesus was the teacher of righteousness.

what is clear is that the jesus and the doctrines found in the leters and acts is from a different sect than that in the synoptic gospels.the glosses that try to make them agree were not very successful. john's gospel is influenced by other things again. in the beginning was the word is a cvery hindu/buddhist idea, not very jewish.

speaking of the dead sea scrolls, man now believe that revelation was written by a survivor of the essene community, who still rails and rants against the soft christians. the themes are musch like the community rule and war scroll themes.

so test your knowledge, who remembers the name of he guy who sacrificed his daughter to yaweh in thanks for winning a battle, centuries after abraham and issac.

who built the temple of the male prostitutes on the temple mount opposite to the temple of yaweh?

who sent bears to kill fourty two children(putting the fear of god into douglas adams and inspiring the hikct-hikers guide to the galaxy)