The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149793   Message #3488340
Posted By: gnu
09-Mar-13 - 08:16 AM
Thread Name: why did I think windows 8 would work
Subject: RE: why did I think windows 8 would work
Procedure : Print a pdf in W8

Note : See Procedure : Find a pdf saved to PC in W8, rename it and file it where it should be filed

1. Wonder WIF I can't just see the same damn thing I have seen for years.

2. Move mouse around to see if anything happens because that's how I finally figured out a bunch of other invisible shit.

3. Click pdf.

4. Right click it. Read actions at screen bottom. Select "More." Select "Info." Read list telling me what I have permission to do. Say out loud, "AHA! PRINT! Thank goodness!"

5. Click print... twice... swear.

6. Right click print. Stare at ONLY THE DAMN FILE AS EVERYTHING ELSE IS F****** GONE!

7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 as I just can't believe it.

8. Google "how do I print a pd". Click "How do I print a pdf document in Windows 8" or any of the other onessss.

9. Return to previous screen. Note : See : Procedure : How do I find my f****** desktop in W8? or Procedure : How do I get back to where I was in W8?

10. Move mouse to upper or lower right corner of screen. Click Devices "charm" and say out loud, again, "Yeah, this is really f****** charming alright."

11. Click on a printer. Follow directions.

12. Nuke cold cup of tea. Say to self, "I really should watch the tutorials. Shit! I forgot to take my blood pressure meds!"

Associated notes : Procedure : How do I find W8 tutorials?

Hint : Procedure : How do I *.* in W8?