The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24814   Message #3489613
Posted By: Mooh
12-Mar-13 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?!
Subject: RE: Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?!
More trivia.

Completely aside from everything, I didn't know I actually had the words for this. I was just going through some old songbooks of my Mum and Dad's and one fell open to the page with the lyrics for "A Capital Ship". They're given as alternate words to "Ten Thousand Miles Away". Key of D, 2/4 time, piano and solo vocal arrangement.

The book is The Scottish Students' Songbook, the introduction of which is dated 1891, the first preface is dated 1891, the second preface is undated but has to be after 1900 (by a reference made therein), in the back is a preface to the third edition dated 1892. Perhaps a little confusing. Anyway, there was a companion volume of British Songs published later. Publisher of both, Bayley & Ferguson, London and Glasgow. I suspect it came from Scotland with my grandparents, or was found here by them sometime after they arrived. The book would have been new then.

An aside to this aside, another book fell open to The Land Of The Leal, which I now remember fondly but wouldn't have much cared about when I was young. Mum used to play such things at the piano. I have a single memory of her crying at the piano, I think the music reminded her of her parents who died when she was young, an only child.

Peace, Mooh.